Chandra Grahan 2023: Date, Time, Visible, Rituals, Precautions & More

Oct 27, 2023 - 23:55
Chandra Grahan 2023: Date, Time, Visible, Rituals, Precautions & More
Chandra Grahan 2023

A lunar eclipse, also known as "Chandra Grahan" in India, is a captivating celestial event that transpires when the Earth maneuvers itself precisely between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow upon the Moon's luminous surface. This occurrence results in a remarkable transformation as the Moon dons a reddish-brown hue, captivating observers with its otherworldly beauty.

The forthcoming Chandra Grahan is scheduled for October 28, 2023, and will be visible from various parts of India. This celestial spectacle is expected to commence at 11:31 PM IST and conclude at 2:24 AM IST on October 29, with the peak moment of the eclipse at 1:45 AM IST on October 29.

Now, let's explore some essential dos and don'ts during Chandra Grahan, as it holds significant cultural and spiritual importance:


  1. Chant Mantras or Devotional Songs: Engage in spiritual practices by reciting mantras or singing devotional songs, connecting with the divine during this unique cosmic event.

  2. Meditate on Your Chosen Deity: Delve into meditation and reflection, focusing your thoughts on your isht devta or chosen deity, fostering a sense of inner serenity.

  3. Donate to Charity: Embrace the spirit of generosity by contributing to charitable causes, extending your support to those in need.

  4. Eat Sattvic Food: Opt for sattvic food, which is pure and light, aligning with a harmonious and balanced diet that is spiritually uplifting.

  5. Get Enough Rest and Sleep: Prioritize your well-being by ensuring you get adequate rest and sleep to maintain your physical and mental equilibrium during this unique celestial event.


  1. Eat Non-Vegetarian Food or Drink Alcohol: During Chandra Grahan, abstain from consuming non-vegetarian fare or partaking in alcoholic beverages, fostering a sense of purity and restraint.

  2. Cut Your Hair or Nails: Avoid cutting your hair or nails, as it is considered inauspicious during the eclipse, aligning with traditional beliefs.

  3. Start Any New Projects or Ventures: Steer clear of initiating new endeavors or projects during this time, as it is thought to be unfavorable.

  4. Travel Long Distances: Refrain from undertaking long journeys, as the eclipse period is deemed inauspicious for travel.

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In addition to the do's and don'ts, Chandra Grahan is associated with "Sutak Kaal," a period of inauspicious time observed before and after a lunar eclipse. Here are some activities to consider during Sutak Kaal:

Things to do during Sutak Kaal

  1. Chant Mantras or Devotional Songs: Engage in spiritual practices to connect with your chosen deity.

  2. Meditate on Your Ishta Devata: Deepen your meditation and reflection, focusing on your ishta devata for inner peace.

  3. Read Religious Texts: Delve into religious texts and scriptures to enhance your spiritual understanding.

  4. Spend Time with Family and Friends: Cherish quality moments with loved ones, reinforcing bonds and connections.

Things to avoid during Sutak Kaal

  1. Avoid Eating Non-Vegetarian Food or Drinking Alcohol: Refrain from consuming non-vegetarian dishes or alcohol during this period.

  2. Avoid Cutting Your Hair or Nails: Tradition suggests avoiding haircuts and nail trimming during Sutak Kaal.

  3. Avoid Starting New Projects or Ventures: In alignment with traditional beliefs, it's best to postpone the commencement of new initiatives during this phase.

  4. Avoid Traveling Long Distances: For your well-being and in adherence to cultural practices, it's advisable to steer clear of long journeys during Sutak Kaal.

It's worth noting that while lunar eclipses hold deep cultural and spiritual significance, they also offer valuable insights to scientists studying the Earth-Moon system. These cosmic events provide opportunities to examine the Moon's composition and atmosphere by studying how its light is affected by the Earth's shadow, contributing to our understanding of the celestial world.