Elon Musk's xAI Launched To Rival ChatGPT, Aiming To Make Advancements In AI Technology

Jul 13, 2023 - 21:40
Elon Musk's xAI Launched To Rival ChatGPT, Aiming To Make Advancements In AI Technology
Elon Musk's xAI Launched To Rival ChatGPT

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, and the owner of Twitter, has recently launched a new AI company called xAI. The primary objective of this company is to delve into the essence of the universe using AI technology. Musk, along with a team of experienced AI experts, aims to provide further details about xAI during a live chat on Twitter scheduled for this Friday, July 14th. Musk firmly believes that AI will surpass human intelligence within the next five years.

xAI was established by Elon Musk on March 9, 2023, with its main office located in Nevada, Texas, USA. Musk is listed as the sole director of the company, while Jared Birchell, the director of Musk's family office, has been appointed as the company secretary. The first public disclosure of xAI details was made in April through The Wall Street Journal.

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During a recent Twitter event, Musk outlined his strategy for developing safer AI and predicted that superintelligent AI would emerge within the next five to six years, surpassing human intelligence. He also expressed concerns about the potential harm that uncontrolled AI advancement could pose to civilization. To mitigate these risks, xAI will adopt a unique approach to AI system development.

The xAI team consists of twelve members, including Elon Musk himself. These team members have previously worked at renowned institutions such as DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, and Tesla. They have contributed to significant AI projects like DeepMind's Alphacode and OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 chatbots.

Aside from Musk, the team includes individuals such as Igor Babushkin, Guodong Zhang, Yuhui Wu, Christian Szegedi, Jimmy Bae, Toby Pohlen, Ross Nordin, Kyle Kosick, Greg Yang, Manuel Kroes, and Jihang Die. While xAI is a separate entity from Musk's X Corp, it will maintain close collaboration with X (Twitter), Tesla, and other affiliated companies.