This trailer hints at an intense fight between the two, where Vasya has to fight...
The story was far more complex and deeper than anything he had ever heard or bel...
Rajni's life proves that faith is an inner strength that helps in overcoming eve...
Foretastes of traditional Rajasthani settings, colorful costumes, and folk music...
The only thing that can be inferred safely is that there lies a tribe which cons...
The film weaves a web of mystery, romance and deception very well, making it a m...
The music of the film is by M.M. Keeravani, which is the best thing about this f...
The story also seems to be connected to Janhvi Kapoor's life, who faces criticis...
The story of the film is full of action and drama, showing a traditional struggl...
Inspired by this idea, he conceived this new film featuring Wolverine and Deadpo...