Malawi Vice President Along With 9 Others Died In A Tragic Plane Crash

The aircraft was carrying seven passengers and three military crew members.

Jun 12, 2024 - 20:13
Malawi Vice President Along With 9 Others Died In A Tragic Plane Crash
Source: Social Media

The president of Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera, delivered very sad news on Tuesday that the vice president of the country, Saulos Chilima, died due to a plane crash. Saulos Chilima and his wife were onboard when their plane crashed in the Chikangawa mountain range, killing him, his wife, and eight other people in the process. 

In his statement, the President said, "I'm deeply saddened. I'm sorry to inform you all that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy. The search and rescue team has found the aircraft near a hill. They have found it completely destroyed, with no survivors. Despite the track record of the aircraft and the experience of the crew, something terrible went wrong with that aircraft on its flight back to Lilongwe, sending it crashing down and leaving us all devastated."

Saulos Chilima was serving his second stint as the vice president of Malawi and was being seen as the presidential candidate for the next year's general elections in the country. The aircraft carrying him went missing on Monday. The plane was supposed to land at Muzuzu airport, but air traffic controllers told the plane not to because of poor weather and conditions that resulted in bad visibility for the pilot. 

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After this, the aircraft was ordered to return to Lilongwe, but it went off the radar, and authorities lost all contact with it. Authorities said that around 600 personnel were involved in the search of a vast forest plantation in the Viphya Mountains near Mzuzu. Lazarus Chakwera further stated that all the passengers lost their lives on impact, and their remains are being brought back to the capital by the military. 

The aircraft was carrying seven passengers and three military crew members. Malawi received technological support from many countries after the aircraft went missing on Monday.