Microsoft Introduces Voice Chat To AI-Powered Bing Chat Platform

Jun 10, 2023 - 20:52
Microsoft Introduces Voice Chat To AI-Powered Bing Chat Platform

Microsoft has introduced a new feature called 'voice chat' to its AI-powered Bing Chat on desktop, enabling users to interact with the AI chatbot by simply clicking on the microphone icon in the Bing Chatbox. The voice chat feature currently supports five languages, namely English, Japanese, French, German, and Mandarin, with plans to add more languages in the near future. Additionally, Bing Chat now also supports text-to-speech answers, where the chatbot will respond to user questions using its own voice.

Microsoft has been actively working on enhancing the capabilities of Bing Chat. The recent update includes increasing the turn limit to 30 chats per session and 300 chats per day, allowing users to have more extensive conversations with the chatbot. This move aims to improve the usability and flexibility of the platform.

To engage in voice conversations, users can simply click on the microphone icon within the Bing Chatbox and speak their queries or commands. The AI chatbot will process the voice input and provide relevant responses or actions accordingly. This feature offers a more intuitive and hands-free experience for users, making it easier to interact with the chatbot.

In addition to voice chat, Bing Chat also incorporates text-to-speech functionality. Users can ask questions or request information using text input, and the chatbot will respond audibly with its own voice. This feature adds a personalized touch to the interaction, enhancing the overall user experience.

One example provided by Microsoft to showcase the capabilities of Bing Chat is asking the chatbot about the toughest tongue twister it knows. By using voice input or text input, users can inquire about various topics and receive informative and entertaining responses from the chatbot.

Microsoft's continuous efforts to increase the turn limit of Bing Chat demonstrate its commitment to refining and expanding the platform's capabilities. By allowing users to engage in more extensive conversations, Microsoft aims to make Bing Chat a more useful and reliable tool for obtaining information and assistance.

Overall, the introduction of voice chat and text-to-speech features to Bing Chat enhances the platform's accessibility and usability. Users can now conveniently communicate with the AI chatbot using their voice or text input, enabling a more interactive and personalized experience. With the increased turn limit, users can have longer and more productive conversations with the chatbot, making Bing Chat a valuable resource for accessing information and receiving assistance.