Social Welfare Minister Raaj Kumar Anand Pushes For Faster Issuance Of 'Divyang' Certificates And UDID Cards

Oct 22, 2023 - 23:22
Social Welfare Minister Raaj Kumar Anand Pushes For Faster Issuance Of 'Divyang' Certificates And UDID Cards
Social Welfare Minister Raaj Kumar Anand

NEW DELHI: Social Welfare Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand recently presided over a crucial review meeting of the State Advisory Board for Persons with Disabilities, accompanied by the Secretary of the Social Welfare Department. The primary objective of this meeting was to address the procedural complexities inherent in the issuance of disability certificates and to streamline the entire process for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, making their access to essential services hassle-free.

During the meeting, the Minister expressed his dissatisfaction with the poor implementation and the mounting backlog of UDID (Unique Disability Identity) and disability certificates. He stressed the urgency of expediting the certification process through the health department to clear these backlogs as quickly as possible. The backlog, it was observed, was primarily due to a shortage of medical experts and logistical support.

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In response to this issue, Shri Raaj Kumar Anand pledged to provide the necessary logistical support to hospitals facing such challenges to clear the backlog of pending cases. One significant concern that came to light was the backlog at the portal level, stemming from the unavailability of medical experts at certain hospitals. Guidelines for relocating patients to hospitals with the required expertise were discussed as a potential solution.

The Minister underscored the Kejriwal Government's commitment to improving the lives of differently-abled individuals and creating a more accessible and accommodating environment for them. To achieve this mission, the health department must accelerate the process of issuing UDID and Divyang (specially-abled) certificates. Moreover, there is a pressing need to swiftly impanel disability specialists at hospitals to ensure timely and efficient certification.

In summary, Minister Shri Raaj Kumar Anand's review meeting highlighted the government's dedication to simplifying the lives of individuals with disabilities by addressing the challenges in the certification process. The focus is on expediting the certification of disabilities, increasing the number of disability specialists in hospitals, and reducing backlogs to provide better services to the differently-abled population.