Within the group of five finalists, Abhishek and Elvish emerge as formidable con...
Yet, hints of strain have appeared in Elvish and Abhishek's friendship as the fi...
Noteworthy contestants such as Fukra Insaan, Manisha Rani, and Elvish Yadav have...
Elvish Yadav is often linked with YouTuber Kirti Mehra, with rumors of a 6-7 yea...
Jiya found herself in the eviction lineup alongside Elvish Yadav and Manisha Ran...
Salman Khan, as the host, took a firm stance on these matters, leading to both p...
The threat of elimination became more nerve-wracking for the contestants with ea...
Their social media platforms are flooded with heartwarming reactions from his ar...
Abhishek who shone the brightest, winning the hearts of the audience and claimin...